We help parents find balance, heal from trauma, and stop struggling with the day-to-day demands of parenting.

Your mental health impacts your child’s mental health.

Thinking about your child’s needs is a biological reflex. Once you became a parent, everything changed—you were no longer checking on yourself first, putting your needs as priority, or maybe even forgetting that you HAD needs.

And this makes sense! As parents, we are experts at putting our children first, and our kids are HIGH NEEDS. If you have a child with a medical difference, genetic difference, medical trauma, or highly sensitive nervous system, you have probably been working on overtime, on high alert, and fueled by adrenaline for years.

Navigating life in survival mode may have worked for while. But now, perhaps, you’re realizing that you’re burning out, losing your cool more than you’d like, or finding that you have ZERO bandwidth or tolerance for challenges with your child.

It’s FINALLY time for you to invest in your mental health if you:

  • Repeat patterns you hate

  • Feel like you’re failing (you’re not, we promise)

  • Want to model personal growth and self-care to your child

  • Are afraid that you are somehow harming or damaging your child

  • Are repeating things your parents did that you swore you would not repeat

  • Are burning out

The Real Work’s Therapists for Parents

Online Therapy and Walk and Talk Therapy helps you heal, learn from your own childhood, and show up as more authentic, balanced parents for your kids

Jennifer Mohn, MA, LPC Associate

Rebekah Springs, LMFT, RPT, ITMH-S

Just imagine if you felt supported, rejuvenated, patient with your child, and able to process your life with a therapist who was there just for you and who gets what it’s like to be a parent of a complex kid. We’ve worked with countless parents in similar situations to yours, and so many of our clients find themselves with a deeper knowledge of themselves, their child, and with a more vibrant relationship with both. You can have this, too, even if it feels like there’s no hope for you or your child. There is always hope, and we don’t say that lightly. We’ve lived it. — The Real Work Parent Support Team