Books/Links: Autism, ADHD, Gifted or Twice-Exceptional Kids
If you have or think you have a child who is wired just a bit differently than you expected, or if you’re sure there are significant developmental differences that a greatly impacting your child’s ability to motor plan, use executive functions, or stay regulated, then this page is for you. I am updated this source as I learn of new resources, so stay tuned and feel free to give me suggestions using the Parent Community Forum on the Circle app.
For parents who want to learn more about raising a child with the Autism diagnosis:
Uniquely Human by Barry Prizant
Floortime Strategies
The Child with Special Needs
Books/Links for Parent of Gifted or Twice Exceptional Children
“Self-Reg” and the Mehrit Center with Dr. Stuart Shanker
A Parents Guide to Gifted Children
Differently Wired. Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World
Emotional Intensity
Living with Intensity
Beyond Booksmart is an amazing online national resource for Executive Function Coaching for Students and Adults!